Wednesday, September 19, 2007

MLISc as basic qualification for Professional Jobs

Standard professional qualification in India up to 1930s was a certificate in library science. In 1940s, it became diploma in library science that continued till middle of 1960s. Education for librarianship in India has undergone dramatic changes since 1947, the year of partition of India . On the eve of independence in 1947, there were only six library schools offering courses leading to the diploma in library science. In 1960s, the standard professional qualification was diploma in library science. It was only in late 1960s onward that standard professional qualification became B lib Sc. Post-graduate Diploma continued to be accepted as equivalent to it. There is every possibility that in the years to come standard professional qualification will become MLISc. A strong case
can be put forward for it.
Experience shows that it takes at least two years of education for a candidate to pick up sound knowledge to become an employable professional. There is a large amount of corpus of knowledge in this field of study to justify it. A masters degree carries a certain degree of prestige that can enable professionals to get a better status and higher salary, that go with higher qualifications.
In view of above, it is suggested that MLISc degree should be made the basic qualification for professional jobs.
Prof Krishan Kumar

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